TO HELL AND BACK: Hell is real. New video…
TO HELL AND BACK: Hell is real. New Video… Debby and I have been at the Bellaire House for the past few days. In fact, we are just about to head out the door to […]
TO HELL AND BACK: Hell is real. New Video… Debby and I have been at the Bellaire House for the past few days. In fact, we are just about to head out the door to […]
Horrific Demon Attack on me. This time, it shakes me to the core. What has happened to me this past Friday evening is unspeakable, unheard of and while it was horrific, it has taught me […]
The power of Negative Thinking! THIS IS A POST I WROTE in 2012 FOR MY PHOTO BLOG. I MADE A FEW ALTERATIONS BUT THE MESSAGE IS THE SAME. Enjoy! Over the past few days I […]
Huff Paranormal 2021