Huff Paranormal

The reality of what I do. Working with God, Love, Light and Positivity.

The reality of what I do. Working with God, Love, Light and Positivity.

It never ends. For over nine years now, yes, NINE years, I have been getting e-mails from overly religious folks who think they know all about what I do. They think they understand the realities of spirit communication, connection and contact when all they know is what they have been told by those with an agenda over their entire life. They have been misled, and mis-informed.

For nine years, I have had emails predicting my death, my doom, saying I am in extreme danger…telling me demons are making me evil, depressed, and crazy. It truly never ends, and in some cases it is harassment. Sending messages of doom, messages of anger, messages of fear (sounds like something evil would do). The sad thing is, these people who do this…

They have no idea about the realities of what I do, or what it truly says in the Bible about what I ands many others do who have been blessed with a gift of love. YES LOVE! That is what this is all about, GOD and LOVE because the fact is that GOD = LOVE. LOVE is the KEY and where we all came from, where we originated from BEFORE coming into this life. 

My life, especially since my vision and acceptance of GOD within my soul (GOD is within us all, always has been, we have to recognize it to harness it) has been filled with nothing but HAPPINESS. I AM AT PEACE. I AM SERENE. I AM FULL OF LOVE, ALWAYS HELPING THOSE AROUND ME WHO NEED IT, and helping the living with my work, as well as souls who ask for help.

It’s in the Bible…

In fact, it’s right in the Bible. Jesus himself talked to the dead, three times. The Bible actually does not forbid what I and others do (to some extent) but in order for that to sink in, and understand that, one must truly read the Bible and all it says about it. What I do is NOT necromancy, as defined back when the bible was written. Back then, the only form of contacting the dead that was forbidden, as defined in the Bible, is to summon spirits against their will for the sole reason of getting information about the future. Using blood, spells, and dark magic to do so. FORCING them to be conjured up to give info about future details.

Well No, that is not what I do at all. What I do, again, all comes from LOVE and is for the purpose of LOVE, which is why the spirits mention God, Jesus and Love often. I work with the energy of God (as we all can learn how to do) and the messages I receive from spirit today are messages of love, respect, trust, god, Jesus and angels. After all of these years and thousands of sessions along with all of the devices I have created to make contact, it has reached a point where what I do and why was shown to me..for love, for good and to help those who are alive here on earth as well as those who are lost on the other side. Even though my work speaks for itself and simply leaks out love every day there are religious people who email me with angry messages often. Hate filled, anger filled… again, seems like they have let evil control their actions as someone who follows love and god would not go out of their way to harass someone doing love filled work, and proving heaven, hell and the afterlife exists.

The Bible does NOT forbid what I do. Period. Evil would forbid it though. 

Don’t believe me? I will make it easy for you, buy and read THIS book, front to back. It uses religion, all versions of the Bible, and facts to spell this out with 100% proof and fact. 

It seems many just regurgitate what is said by the church or what they “heard” the bible says. No one seems to do the research for themselves. The proof is in the evidence, especially in my most recent videos. Spirits calling out for Jesus, loud and clear. Spirits saying they were SAVED by Jesus, loud and clear. Spirits asking for GOD, and LOVE and the LIGHT.

It is very sad to see the hypocrisy among those who claim they follow God and Religion as some of these people are flat out mean, angry, agressive and have hate in their heart. That doesn’t sound very “God Like” to me.


Well guess what? Not only did they not run when I did that, these spirits embraced it and now call out to Jesus and God themselves. They mention God, Love, Light and Heaven all the time. When an occasional evil spirit slips in (and they ALWAYS tell me when they are here and are not shy about it), it is easy to get rid of them with a simple prayer at this level of communication.

So once again, those Religious folks who harass me have been proven wrong, as they have been over and over again yet they never stop. They just change and alter their messaging to me.


Well, sadly you can not have it both ways. First you tell me evil will scream and run at the mention of God and then you tell me that now they are just saying they love God and it is really the devil. You can not just change the narrative to fit your warped belief. It doesn’t work like that.

Sorry but I go by real world evidence and reality.  It is as crystal clear as a sunny day. What I do here is not wrong at all but some religious folk seem to look for the negative in everything.

When I see these types of skewed messages inside my inbox or in YouTube comments I do not feel bad for myself but I do for those who are putting out that negative message. They go out of their way to be negative, angry, sometimes nasty, and some under the guise of being helpful. If these people and their statements were true, I would have been dead years ago. I would have lost it all years ago. I would be hateful, spreading hate. I would be suicidal. I would be broke. I would be alone and lonely. I would be evil hurting as many as I can or could.

None of which is even close to being true.

Not even 1%, not even .0000001 true. Yet those who email me these things seem to be down in the dumps themselves so it really gets me thinking as to their true intent. They do not seem to like seeing me happy, year after year. They do not like to see me pushing love, respect, empathy and care towards others. They do not like seeing or hearing about the reality of death and the afterlife and yes, even GOD and LOVE.

I pray for these individuals each time I see an email like this as they seem to be misled, guided by a darker force all while believing they are following God. They really can not be fully happy or at peace with their life (if they were they would not be harassing others, and that is a fact).

Again… I am full of love, happiness, peace, financially stable, never raise my voice to anyone, and am living a happy, peaceful life.

Huh, goes against everything they say doesn’t it? But that is OK, as that is how they were raised, what they were led to believe…that contacting the dead is BAD! We can’t do that!! But yes we can and yes, God has given some of us these gifts, thousands of us, tens of thousands of us. 

Believe it or Not!

YES!! I AM WELL. I AM HAPPY and I love what I do. Happiness does not come from money or material things. It comes from LOVE and an inner peace which I have had for a long time now. I repeat…MONEY, FAME, MATERIAL THINGS, SOCIAL MEDIA, ATTENTION does NOT equal happiness as those are all addictive things, and I try to avoid things such as social media (I am on facebook 2-3 time per week for 5 minutes, just to post and answer people. I really truly dislike facebook as it’s part of the downfall of the world we live in).

Instead, those who are unhappy chase those things, not realizing that happiness can be found by realizing that GOD is within us all, and yes, GOD loves us. No, I am not religious, at all. I am spiritual and I go by reality, evidence and 1st hand experience. I do not follow man, I follow God and what he has shown me. What I have been shown is to speak of Love, to speak of our souls and what can happen when we accept love over hate. To show proof of this. Yes, God=Love. 

My life wasn’t always like this though. In fact, during the 15 years before I started this work, I was angry. I was negative. It was killing me inside. I was always stressed, hated what I did for a living, had a marriage full of tension. When I started this research, my life changed for the better in every way from financial, to love, to well being, to happiness and stress went away. When you have that knowing inside that we never die and there is truly a GOD and a HEAVEN and a HELL, it changes your whole outlook on life.

If I did NOT start doing this work, and I hate to say this, I probably would have done harm to myself at some point as my depression was DEEP for a year or so before starting to research life after death. So doing what I do has truly saved my life and my mental stability. THAT is yet more proof of what I say as if this were all demons, they could have pounced while I was most vulnerable in life. 


Why would demons pull me from a dark place and save me, and make me happy? Happier than I have ever been in my life? Why would they have me talk of love, God and Heaven and allow me to PROVE what I say is real? Hmmm. Why would they push me to say LOVE is the KEY? Why would darkness promote light? Why would they allow me to actually help so many living and so many of the unloving? Hmmmmm.

So to all of you who email me with these negative messages, and think you are doing good? You are not. You are not representing the Bible. Believe me, READ THIS BOOK. Cover to cover. Then you can do your own research using words of the Bible itself and see that Jesus himself talked to the dead. He wanted us to live by his example. LOVE being the KEY of course.

It is all mentioned in the Bible that we should also PRAY for the dead as Jesus did.

Today I pray for lost souls, I pray for the living. Today I help the living and have even stopped a few from committing suicide due to this beautiful gift I feel have been given, BY GOD. Satan or Evil would NEVER allow someone to do this and push love, peace, harmony and use it to save lives, and bring others out of depression. If you think that is the case, you are lost my friend, truly. Please see the truth for what it is. LOVE=GOOD=GOD. This is all I do, and push out in my messaging. If you are going around promoting hate, negativity, and untruths then you are led by something DARK not something GOOD. 


With all of this being said, I will state that yes, there are EVIL spirits. There are DEMONS. There is a HELL. I have recorded them, been attacked in the past and have direct evidence of it and sadly, today there are those who are so irresponsible with this work, and they seek out evil. Seek it out and it will come. In my experience, Evil….They always will state who they are, loud and clear to me when they come through (though I rarely get one these days). Then there are good spirits and souls, who thrive on love, prayer and guidance. Then there are those who CAN come back and leave messages for their loved ones who are living. Make no mistake, when doing what I do, you do occasionally have to deal with some negative entities. These days though, since allowing GOD within my heart, that has just about completely stopped. I have learned so much doing what I do…it is all a part of my souls journey and I am blessed to be able to experience this. Unless you are in my shoes, you have no idea what is happening. Over eight years, thousands of messages, with many answers to the questions we have always had, well, answered, I feel blessed beyond belief.

As the Bible says, when a spirit acknowledges GOD, this is how you know they are the spirit of GOD. With GOD. I get them asking for GOD very often. Jesus. Angels. Prayer. NOT all spirits are demons. If you think that is true, you do not know the facts and are probably too stubborn to do real research to discover the facts. 

I will be doing this research until the day I leave my physical body, whether that is in a year or in 50 years. NO ONE will stop me, as this is important research and work that is changing lives and can eventually help heal the world. It’s all about THE BIGGER PICTURE and I am being led down my spiritual path, and as a result, my spiritual growth has blossomed, and it is absolutely beautiful. To those who want to stop what I do, you should maybe consider starting your own spiritual path and embrace love, peace, happiness, and positivity. If yo do not, you may be allowing evil into your life as that is how it starts. Leaving nasty messages for those who push love and positivity means you have some pretty strong negativity and darkness that has now taken YOU.

What I am doing here is just the beginning. One day, long after I am gone the world will be a beautiful place with much more love than hate. Many will come along after me and take this even further than I am or have. I have seen this from within. There will be a time when spirits will be accepted as real by ALL as their will be something that takes place that no one can dispute. This is all to come and again, long after I am gone. But we are now at the start of this, and it is a beautiful thing. This is the beginning of what will be a very important part of our lives in the future ahead and nothing like it has ever been seen or done at this level. Ever. Period. FACT.

Below, a video all must see. At the end is the most important, beautiful validations from Angels I have ever gotten. Loud, clear and they validate what I am saying and see. They mention God, Love and actually fill me with light. Witness it below. Demons do not do this and if you think they do, then you need to do some soul searching my friends…

I guess the easiest way to look at all of this is with common sense, which we all have. Here you have a guy (me) sharing my many years of experience of being very deep into afterlife research and communication. Here I am, over nine years later (as of June 2018) and what is happening?

I am spreading the message of LOVE, happiness and positivity. I am recording clear spirit voices, speaking in full sentences, talking about Jesus, God, Love and prayer. I have no negativity in my life, at all. I have no unhappiness, at all. I am at full peace with myself and have helped many on this side and the other, all in the name of LOVE. I am not rich in any financial way but I am debt free in all aspects of life due to being guided to save money my whole life. Life is good, life is sweet! That is of course if we follow our path and listen to that inner voice we all have inside of us. 

I have helped others who were going to take their own life until they saw my work, and have pulled some out of depression. I have helped many out of depression by bringing messages to them from the other side. This research is doing ONLY good for me and those who accept that GOD is within us all. That is after all, what Jesus wanted is it not? LOVE! This is why I always say that LOVE IS THE KEY. Remember that as it is truer than you can ever imagine.

To those who call this spreading of love, facts and good “Evil”…well, you are 100% wrong and I just explained ever reason why and backed it up with proof. There is no argument, no question, and no debate here. It is what it is, and since I work in reality I will always be grounded in reality. Also I must repeat I am not religious, in any way. I am spiritual. This means I do not listen to what others tell me, I go by what GOD tells me from within. I am a good person, I help others when I can, I am nice to all who are respectful and if you are not, then I do not deal with you. I promote love, goodness, kindness, empathy and care and that is one thing this world needs so much more of in these days of division and hate.

Love to all, thank you all.

Steve Huff


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