Huff Paranormal

Horrific Demon Attack on me. This time, it shakes me to the core.

Horrific Demon Attack on me. This time, it shakes me to the core.

What has happened to me this past Friday evening is unspeakable, unheard of and while it was horrific, it has taught me a serious lesson. TO LISTEN to the WARNINGS of the spirits who are there to HELP ME during sessions.

The video below says it all, so no need for me to write a ton here but NO, I was not asleep. I was with Debby, in the evening around 8pm watching  TV, it hit me instantly. I explain how it happened in the video, and while I get emotional, keep in mind this was the most frightening thing that has ever happened to me, ever. Worse than my near death experiences in my younger life. Worse than any nightmare or dream, worse than ANY human beating you senseless, worse than ANYTHING you can imagine, and I will NEVER forget it for as long as I live.

I am taking a break from the paranormal, watch and see why:

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