Burning the Dybbuk Box and the Myth that is attached to them.

Burning the Dybbuk Box and the Myth that is attached to them. 

I posted this video three days ago to my YouTube channel. Over 800 videos reside there from may years of doing what I do. If you missed it, be sure to always check out my Channel there first for my newest projects and videos. You can subscribe to that channel (it’s free) HERE.

But I made a follow up video to my original Dybbuk Box Video and this time I open one and burn one to dispel the myth attached to this man made creation. I wrote all of my thoughts about this box in an article HERE so I will nor rehash those words again. But here I am a few days after opening and burning the boxes and I am alive, well, happy and still saying LOVE IS THE KEY! Fear is what drags us down my friends and while Evil does exist they can not be trapped or attached to a box like this.

In the video below I open one and we see what is inside. So take a look if you are curious as to what people put in these boxes before they list them on Ebay to sell ; )